Ender 3 S1 PRO forked the stock firmware to add fixes and build locally

Author: Sanket Sonavane
Publish Date: 2023-03-10
Last Updated: 2023-03-11

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The Ender 3 S1 PRO is based on Marlin and its source code is available on github , note you need to change to the s1_pro branch. CrealityOfficial/Ender-3S1 at s1_pro

I decided to fork this firmware and build my own locally so that I can add fixes and feature. This also helps me understand the build process. It was my first time building any 3d printer firmware on my own.

NOTE: These source code are based on v2.0.8.24 of the stock firmware.

tools needed to build marlin locally

Marlin is the firmware which Creality used on the S1 PRO

the marlin docs covers this development setup very well. Installing Marlin (PlatformIO with VSCode) | Marlin Firmware

once you have this you are all set to build marlin locally.

few things to know before you build the stock firmware

these things need to be checked if set correctly or need to be tweaked in the firmware code before you flash this to your printer and risk bricking it.

fork the official github repo

Created a fork of the creality branch and add a few of my own branches for working with the firmware.

my github branches

so after adding in all the fixes and committing them I am able to build stock firmware successfully.

still need to figure out

While I have so far figured out how to generate firmware for the controller board I haven’t figured out how to

these are some cool things that I need to explore for future upgrades


